From Mr. Obama’s web site, Office of the President-elect,, there are five domestic policy agenda items listed and itemized as “principal priorities of the Obama Administration.” They are:

A plan to revive the economy
A plan to fix our health care
A plan to fix education, and
A plan to fix the social security systems, and
To define a clear path to energy independence

“The Obama Administration has a comprehensive and detailed agenda to carry out its policies” is what the web site says under the “Agenda” tab.

I would like to see this “comprehensive and detailed agenda.” Maybe it is too soon to release the details, but don’t play politics with this agenda.

We need to see what your plan is, Mr. Obama. We need to see what the reactions will be in our Democrats majority Congress. We need Republicans to become the Loyal Opposition, set partisan politics aside, and work with the Democrats to implement these plans. These agenda items are too important for the Congress to be bogged down in partisan politics. Let’s get these things fixed.